As I looked back on the experiences in my blog I started discovering also that I.C.T has many forms, I had always thought of technology as something new that you plugged into an electrical socket. Technology can be as simple as a pen or a peg, "The simplest definition of 'technology' I found was that - "technology' is about helping people and solving problems" (Smorti, 1999, p. 5). The example of this was the connecting links, when I reflected upon it I thought to myself, oh of course, I think we take technology for granted sometimes and don't associate commonly used tools as technology anymore. This study has shown me again that the simplest resource can be used as a tool in ICT. The feedback I received in regard to this blog supported my findings that children learn when they encouraged to explore many different types of technology. The replies to this blog acknowledged that when children are engaged in activity such as the connecting links the 'doing' is more important to the child than the end product. Research labels this a, " process approach to technology" (Smorti., 1999, p.6). My group suggested that this experience helps to, "foster critical thinking, problem solving, and knowledge acquisition in children.
The first of my blogs reflected upon a child's interest in a view he had found while exploring the outdoors. This interest led to an opportunity to work alongside a child with the assistance of technology, in this instance my digital camera. "They learned to use the camera, download the pictures to the computer, and use software to crop and alter their pictures…some children even learned to open files and start portfolios – advanced literacy that led to questions of ethical behaviour, integrity, honesty, and the importance of privacy (Pastor & Kerns, 1997, p. 43 cited M.O.E., 2004, p.43). I also learned that there is a negative side to technology also, it can be so much fun that other activities may be disregarded so educators must find a balance. "Life in a kindergarten classroom is made up of an ebb and flow of routines, rituals, celebrations, circle time, play time, centre time, school schedules and timetabling, and the teacher's skilful orchestration of learning activities. When a computer centre is thrust into a smoothly running classroom, the natural rhythms of kindergarten life may be thrown out of whack temporarily, while the teacher and students figure out the role that the computer will play…" (Labbo et al., 2000 cited M.O.E, 2004, p.37).
My final blog was based on the interest surrounding the rugby world cup happening in our own back yard. Children have been very excited with many parents from pacific nations present in our centre. This has created many opportunities for learning experiences to be extended upon. "Vygotsky viewed learning as socially constructed, where children learn what is necessary to participate within their society and culture through interactions with cultural tools that are mediated by peers and adults. In the 21st century these cultural tools include digital as well as paper-based communication and information tools, artefacts, and media "(Downes et al., 2001, p. 4 cited M.O.E., 2004, p. 27). In this case I brought resources from home to support this interest, a kicking tee and a ball. Other comments on my blog commented that they themselves often created experiences out of resources taken from home. I learned that by collaborating in this way through technology such as blog pages can give me confidence, knowing that other educators have a similar view of how ICT can benefit childrens learning. Overall I have learned that I.C.T doesn't have a limit to what it can be, finding ways of creating learning experiences for children can come from very simple objects. There is a place in education for all types of learning as long as there is a balance.
Reference List
Ministry of Education (2004), The role and potential of ICT in early childhood education A review of New Zealand and international literature .Wellington: NZCER.
Smoti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No.19 Autumn1999.