Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Entry One
Today while I was in the outdoors observing children playing on our big fix playground, I noticed T (3yr old) leaning on the spiral ladder looking over toward the town centre.  I was curious to find out what had captured his attention but I did not want to interrupt him.  T noticed me at the bottom of the playground, he called out to me, “Look, Serena I can see the town centre”.  I asked him, “What can you see”. T explained to me that he could see the bakery that his nana and poppa take him and where the Saturday flea market is run. “It is often argued in the literature that children’s early childhood education experiences should reflect and connect with their experiences in the wider world” (Ministry of Education, 2004, p.2).

I recognized that this was a chance to expand upon this interest using technology. I have my own personal camera that I carry around at all times, children can see it attached to my pocket in a blue pouch. “The high percentage of teachers who reported having a digital camera in their centre aligns well with a finding that photography, either digital or conventional, is widely used as a means of gathering data about children’s learning in New Zealand early childhood centres”. (M.O.E, 2004 p.65). T asked me if I could go up where he was on the playground and take a photo of what he could see. I thought that this would be a great way for T to record his view of the town centre also understanding that a camera can take photos showed understanding of Information, communication, technology.

I responded to the interest that T had displayed by making the resource, my camera available for the children to interact with and to explore. Instead of taking the photo for T, I offered him the opportunity to take the photograph himself. “T, Would you like to take the photo yourself?” I said to him. “Yep”, T replied. “Which button do you press”, T asked. “Not the small button”, I said. I responded in this way as there is a small button and a larger button on top of the camera. T then took a photograph of the Mangere Town Centre. He then wanted to see the photo he had taken “Yes that’s my photo”. Children in the early childhood years have, “the ability to represent their discoveries, using creative and expressive media and the technology associated with” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.88).
Photos were taken at my home center.

Ministry of Education. (2004). Kei tua o te pae assessment for learning: Early childhood exemplars.

Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki, he whaariki mātauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media.

Ministry of Education. (2004). The role and potential of ICT in early childhood education: A review of New Zealand and international literature New Zealand council for Educational Research. Wellington.


  1. I believe it is important to provide various opportunities and learning experiences that help to extend upon their current knowledge and skills (Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003). It was great to see that you done this by encouraging T “to take responsibility for... his ...own learning” (Ministry of Education, 2004, p. 19). As a result of seeing his photograph, T also developed “an understanding that symbols can be “read” by others and that thoughts, experiences, and ideas can be represented through … photographs” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 78). Another way to extend upon children's learning is to show them how to download their photographs onto the computer so that they "develop the ability to represent their discoveries" using the "technology associated" with digital cameras (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 88).

  2. Great job Serena. It was great that you were able to notice the child's interest and was able to support and extend on the child's interest through engaging in a conversation with him and giving him the opportunity to take the photo himself. Through this the child is able to take a leading part in his own learning and is able to take a photo of something that has meaning to him and has a connection with his family and home. I like how you showed him how to use the camera so that he knew how to use the camera, this way the child is able to feel confident and competent in using the camera. A suggestion I do have would be that you could have taken the opportunity to show and teach him how to download the photos to the computer that way the child is able to gain an understanding about how the photos get from the camera to the computer. Through giving the child the opportunity to take his own photo he is able to express himself and be creative through using a different tool. This sounds like it was a great meaningful experience for the child.

  3. I think this is great how you extended onto this little boys interest by letting him have the camera and taking photo's of what means something to him. He is able to connect the places he goes to is near the daycare he attends. I think it's important he is able to have the opportunity of using the camera to take photo's of meaningful places as it also is teaching him how to zoom in and out on the lense to make things seem closer or futher. It's also that he is learning how to take photo's and review the photo's he has taken. This is also making him feel his interest and places he likes to go with his family is recognised. I think it's great you let him use the camera to take these photo's you are showing him he is recognised and that gives children great confidence and they feel they are a important part of the centre. Well done Serena!

  4. Serena this is really awe-inspiring! the way you extended on the little boy’s learning here. The opportunity that you have given him is tremendous in expanding on his interest to develop his knowledge in technology. I thought your idea on having a camera on you was quite a neat idea, makes the children’s learning flow when the opportunity comes for what I call the “photographic moment” all in all it is about you being prepared for that kind of moment which I know is really important because what usually happens and I have seen this happening at centres, when that “photographic moment” comes, by the time the teacher comes running back with the camera, the child is already gone or has lost interest in whatever it is he or she has been focusing on. To gather data I think this is quite a smart idea and it would be cool if every teacher has at least a camera on them while working for recording and data basis. Placing your trust in allowing the children to handle your camera was fantastic because only then they will be able to experience how to take photos, how to turn it on and off. Children’s curiosity develops every time they discover new things, they want to touch and be able to feel as well giving them the chance to explore more. Kāpai Serena!
